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Queensland Barrel Racing Association Inc. an association taking Barrel Racing into the Future.

Hello and welcome to the Queensland Barrel Racing Association, we are an incorporated association that has been formed to provide a safe and relaxed atmosphere for riders of all ages and abilities to come and participate in barrel racing in a 4D format.

We encourage good sportsmanship and competitiveness in a fair and honest environment.

QBRA was formed and debuted in 2015 and we would love to have you come a ride with us moving into our ninth season of barrel racing..

Memberships groups include –

Under 5 years - Free membership

5 – 10 years - $20 per year

Junior - $70 per year

Open - $90 per year

Associate - $20

Please note that all Junior and 5 - 10 year memberships must be accompanied with either an open or associate membership of at least one parent.

QBRA classes that run for points and end of year awards include, the 5 - 10 years led, 5 - 10 years ridden, Junior and Open, and a class for under 5 years is also run as a bonus for the little ones just wanting to have some fun. and we also have the beginner class (for beginner riders only)

Membership forms will be available at all QBRA affiliated events or you can contact us to have forms emailed or posted out, they are also available to download from this site.

The board and committee look forward to again riding with you and enjoying your friendship and support.

It is important that everyone reads and understands the rules before the season starts, this will make competing and understanding the competition rules a lot easier. The rule book and constitution can be found on this site also. Rule books will be printed and available in the new year.

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